Lot Essay
Emile-Antoine Bourdelle entreprend de 1910 à 1912 le décor de la façade du Théâtre des Champs-Elysées. Le présent plâtre provient de la frise centrale qui se trouve au coeur de la façade. Dans la revue qu'il publie, Albert T'Serstevens écrit: "Pour Bourdelle, la sculpture de son théâtre est de la vie tirée de la chair même du mouvement: elle s'accorde avec lui, elle obéit aux lignes de l'architecture, elle a l'humilité douce et la grandeur héroïque d'une amante" (A. T'Sterstevens, Comoedia, 21 décembre 1912).
The present plaster cast originates from the central frieze of the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées for which Bourdelle executed the façade decor in 1910-12. In his review of this work, Albert T'Serstevens writes: "For Bourdelle, his monumental work for the theatre is life taken from the flesh of movement itself: it is its equal in harmony, all the while obeying the lines of the architecture; it has the soft humidity and the heroic greatness of a lover" (A. T'Serstevens, Comoedia, 21 december 1921).
The present plaster cast originates from the central frieze of the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées for which Bourdelle executed the façade decor in 1910-12. In his review of this work, Albert T'Serstevens writes: "For Bourdelle, his monumental work for the theatre is life taken from the flesh of movement itself: it is its equal in harmony, all the while obeying the lines of the architecture; it has the soft humidity and the heroic greatness of a lover" (A. T'Serstevens, Comoedia, 21 december 1921).