Above 16 bottles per lot
Lying in Weybridge, Surrey (EHD)
Château Mouton Rothschild
Pauillac, 1er cru classé
Slightly bin-soiled label. Level low-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1955
Slightly corroded capsule. U.S. import slip label. Slightly bin-soiled label. Level mid/upper-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1957
Excellent appearance. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1959
Corroded capsule. Badly damaged label. Level below low-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1964
Recent château release. Good label. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1966
Danish import strip label. Badly bin-soiled and stained label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1967
Recent château release. Glue-marked label. Level upper-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1968
Slightly corroded capsule. Bin-soiled, damaged and faded label. Level mid-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1971
Slightly damaged capsule. Glue-marked label. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1974
Bin-soiled and stained label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1975
Slightly damaged capsule. Bin-soiled and stained label. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1976
Slightly corroded capsule. Slightly bin-soiled label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1977
Badly bin-soiled, stained and damaged label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1978
Two label versions. One slightly bin-soiled label, one badly bin-soiled. Levels top-shoulder(2)
--Vintage 1983
Stained label. Level into neck(1)
Above 16 bottles per lot
Lying in Weybridge, Surrey (EHD)
Château Mouton Rothschild
Pauillac, 1er cru classé
Slightly bin-soiled label. Level low-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1955
Slightly corroded capsule. U.S. import slip label. Slightly bin-soiled label. Level mid/upper-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1957
Excellent appearance. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1959
Corroded capsule. Badly damaged label. Level below low-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1964
Recent château release. Good label. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1966
Danish import strip label. Badly bin-soiled and stained label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1967
Recent château release. Glue-marked label. Level upper-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1968
Slightly corroded capsule. Bin-soiled, damaged and faded label. Level mid-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1971
Slightly damaged capsule. Glue-marked label. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1974
Bin-soiled and stained label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1975
Slightly damaged capsule. Bin-soiled and stained label. Level base of neck(1)
--Vintage 1976
Slightly corroded capsule. Slightly bin-soiled label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1977
Badly bin-soiled, stained and damaged label. Level top-shoulder(1)
--Vintage 1978
Two label versions. One slightly bin-soiled label, one badly bin-soiled. Levels top-shoulder(2)
--Vintage 1983
Stained label. Level into neck(1)
Above 16 bottles per lot
Brought to you by
Antonia Essex