Lot Essay
Oil barrels, chic suits, guns with Mickey Mouse's head and boxes refer to commodities. All these elements are combined to present an artwork about the Oil Game, generally occuring in the whole world and especially in the Middle East. The work presents two elegant characters whose brain (the space where they think), turns into thinking about commodity (selling and buying). Carrying a revolver with Mickey Mouse's head, both carelessly shooting the target, at each other. The revolver embodies The United States as an instrument that is running those wars. Oil is represented by the two barrels, from which, the two elegantly dressed people are getting out. The justification of wars is often related to nuclear armament or fighting against terrorism, etc... The price of these wars is humanly very expensive, involving children, women and old people who are being slaughtered without guilt. Countries, which are exhausted by wars, are turning into small, powerless, burdened with poverty mini-states, in which terrorism is growing and spreading more and more.