Lot Essay
'The deceptively simple surfaces of Baechler's works on canvas or paper alike are in fact subtly textured and notably complex. White washcloths and underpants, Chinese cookie fortunes, and actual children's drawings are habitually incorporated as straight collage, and also as virtual fossils like concrete pentimenti within the sediment of witish-grayish paint (...) Baechler's paintings sometimes look like floating, seemless quilts made of montage effects like ghost memories and rogue snippets of history'
(L. Liebmann, 'Donald Baechler', New York Painters, exh. cat., Munich, Sammlung Goetz, 1993-1994, p.16).
(L. Liebmann, 'Donald Baechler', New York Painters, exh. cat., Munich, Sammlung Goetz, 1993-1994, p.16).