Lot Essay
Working primarily with fabric as her medium, Choi So-Young reveals her cultural lineaments through the use of recycled denim to illustrate scenes of local hometowns in Korea. Her deconstructions of familiar items of clothing, ?such as a pair of jeans or denim jacket, removes all functionality from the original details of the fabric, which she crafts into newly juxtaposed pieces on canvas that appear as pictorial surfaces like that of a painting. The imaginative way Choi manipulates and reconstructs the architectural forms in her work, such as the subtle variations of shading in indigo denim cloth, creates depth and distance of space which gives perspectival texture and form to her intricate urban landscapes that encompasses both sculptural and collage-like qualities. The breadth of Choi's compositional space in the work leads our gaze to sweep across the canvas where perspectives shift as if we were walking through the scene of her urban landscape. This shifting perspective highlights the clarity within her compositional space and the ambiguous clutter of layering denim adds to the subtle dynamism of the scene's overall picturesque quietness.