Lot Essay
See Julia E. Poole, Italian maiolica and incised slipware in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, Cambridge, 1995, p. 484, for an albarello similarly marked with a lantern mark, and where the author notes that the lighthouse mark 'was used by the Grosso of Albisola from 1641, by the Chiodo and Peirano from 1698 until 1738, and by Chiodo alone from then until 1782'. A wet drug-jar of the same form is illustrated by Giuseppe Morazzoni, La Maiolica Antica Ligure, Milan, 1951, pl. 27. Another example, painted with a very similar composition of three figures as those on the present lot is illustrated by Rudolf E.A. Drey, Apothecary Jars, London, 1978, p. 71, pl. 31D.