Balthasar van der Ast (Middelburg 1593/4-1657 Delft)
THE COLLECTION OF TOM AND RUTH JONES The evolution from aerospace to winemaking may not seem like a natural one. Yet for Thomas V. Jones, former Chairman and CEO of defense giant Northrop Corporation, the transition to vineyard life at his unique Bel-Air estate called upon the same bold thinking and creativity that had secured his status as an industry legend. For nearly 30 years, Jones built Northrop into a technological innovator that changed national defense strategies around the world. During the same time, he and his wife Ruth built reputations as gracious connoisseurs of fine art, wine, and the California landscape. Tom Jones was born in Pomona, California, in July 1920. After graduating magna cum laude from Stanford University, he began work as an engineer at Douglas Aircraft, already one of America's largest aerospace firms. During World War II, his engineering prowess led to better designs and more effective fighter planes. He developed a philosophy that would serve him throughout his career: employ groundbreaking technologies to create the best aircraft at an affordable cost. After the war, he spent several years in Brazil, where he advised the country's air ministry and established the Aeronautical Institute of Technology of Brazil. Jones soon moved on to the influential RAND Corporation, where his research facilitated the development of wide-body jet propelled aircraft, including Boeing's first commercial jetliner - the legendary 707. In 1953, Tom Jones joined Northrop Corporation as an assistant to the chief engineer. The company had been a major supplier during the war and continued to forge its reputation as an industry innovator. Jones became President of Northrop at age 39 and just two years later was featured on the cover of Time magazine as a "brilliant young star" in aerospace. Under Jones's direction, Northrop developed such aircraft as the T-38 Talon, F-5 Freedom Fighter, the F/A-18 Hornet, F-20 Tiger Shark, culminating with the revolutionary B-2 Stealth Bomber. Jones retired in 1989 and his honors for advances in aerospace include the Reed Aeronautics Award and the prestigious Wright Brothers Memorial Trophy. Jones became a member of the National Academy of Engineering, an honorary fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and was inducted into The National Aviation Hall of Fame. At his estate in the idyllic Bel-Air neighborhood of Los Angeles, Tom Jones's life as a winemaker appeared far removed from his time at one of the world's largest aerospace firms. Yet business travels to winemaking countries such as France and Italy nurtured what would become a lifelong passion. In 1959, Jones purchased his family's home and the property that would evolve into Moraga Vineyards. The house and surrounding acreage had originally been developed by Victor Fleming, the director of, among many other classic films, two that are recognized as among the top ten in motion picture history: Gone with the Wind and The Wizard of Oz. Fleming created a horse ranch that became a popular retreat for friends that included superstars Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy and another legendary director, Howard Hawks. Tom and Ruth Jones were dedicated to maintaining the rural beauty of the property, which featured wild roses and hills reminiscent of the picturesque Tuscan countryside. Although Tom had considered purchasing a vineyard estate in Napa or Sonoma, he decided that there was "no place like home" in Bel-Air for his next creative challenge. Wild grapes had been noted in the Moraga Canyon by Spanish missionaries in the early 18th century, and Tom recognized the similarities in soil and precipitation to the Bordeaux region of France. Jones planted the first grapes in 1978 and, encouraged by their potential, purchased additional land eight years later to expand his vineyards. The first Moraga Red, a Cabernet and Merlot blend, was released commercially in 1992, and a Sauvignon Blanc followed in 2000. The nature of the Joneses' small vineyard ensured quality control and attention to detail at all levels of production. Moraga was the first bonded commercial winery in Los Angeles since the end of Prohibition. In 2005, he completed work on a state-of-the-art winery, thus establishing Moraga as a true estate wine in the Bordeaux tradition. Moraga Vineyards remains a testament to rural preservation and has become a critically acclaimed winemaking landmark in the heart of Los Angeles. From spearheading innovations in aircraft technology and manufacturing to producing two of the most sought-after wines in the world, Tom Jones's diverse life speaks to a thirst he and wife Ruth have shared for surrounding themselves with beauty in all forms. Their extraordinary art collection, which includes a nucleus of exceptionally fine 17th-century Dutch pictures, reflects a keen eye and a level of curatorial excellence developed over more than fifty years of following their creative passion. THE COLLECTION OF TOM AND RUTH JONES
Balthasar van der Ast (Middelburg 1593/4-1657 Delft)

Roses, anemone, iris, hyacinth, lily of the valley, and forget-me-nots, with insects, shells and a lizard on a stone ledge

Balthasar van der Ast (Middelburg 1593/4-1657 Delft)
Roses, anemone, iris, hyacinth, lily of the valley, and forget-me-nots, with insects, shells and a lizard on a stone ledge
signed '.B.vander.Ast.' (lower center, on the ledge)
oil on panel
12 x 9¾ in. (30.5 x 24.8 cm.)
with Arthur Tooth & Sons, Ltd., London, 1939.
W.J. Chapell; Sotheby's, London, 27 November 1963, lot 93 (£5,800 to the following).
with Leggatt Brothers, London.
Anonymous sale; Christie's, London, 6 July 1984, lot 99 ($90,000).
with Richard Green, London, where acquired by the present owner.

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This highly refined flower picture by Balthasar van der Ast shows the extraordinary skill achieved by Dutch still-life painters only a few decades after the form first emerged as an independent genre in the Netherlands around 1600. Van der Ast's connection to the earliest innovators was strong, having studied in Middelburg with his brother-in-law, Ambrosius Bosschaert I. Born in Antwerp, Bosschaert later settled in Middelburg, where he founded a highly successful tradition of still-life painting, coined the 'Bosschaert Dynasty' by L.J. Bol. Sustained by his three sons, as well as Van der Ast and his brother Johannes, the dynasty persisted for four generations. Together these artists established Middelburg, and later Utrecht, where many of them relocated, as major centers of still-life painting in the Netherlands.

The present work depicts a bouquet of flowers in a fluted green glass vase with a gold-tipped rim and base, resting on a stone ledge pocked with meticulously rendered illusionistic cracks. Van der Ast favored this compositional type; a picture with a similar glass vase and lizard with a curled tail was included in the seminal exhibition Masters of Middelburg of 1984 (no. 14). In the present work, a blue and white iris stands at the top of the composition, supported by a mix of red, white and blue blossoms. This bold palette is not without nuance, however, for Van der Ast included passages such the rose at lower right, whose petals gently fade from pink to white. Enhancing the brilliant color and silhouettes of the individual flowers is the monochrome, unadorned setting. At lower center, Van der Ast prominently signed the picture. He left it undated, however, a common occurrence in his oeuvre after 1628.

The influence of Bosschaert and his son Ambrosius II is evident in Van der Ast's work, both in the elements depicted and their small-scale, compact format. Yet Van der Ast also strayed from the Bosschaert model, abandoning strict symmetry in favor of presenting his flowers from a variety of angles and in various stages of blossom. This technique lends volume and depth to the still-life while maintaining a balanced, harmonious composition. In another departure from Bosschaert, Van der Ast included a carefully studied lizard, likely inspired by the work of Roelandt Saverij, whose work Van der Ast would have encountered while living in Utrecht. Saverij had moved there after working in Prague for Rudolf II, whose affinity for rare and exotic plants and animals prompted Saverij to add motifs like lizards alongside his flower bouquets (see Flowers in a Glass of 1613 now in the National Gallery London; inv. L663). Other exotic elements depicted here by Van der Ast are the shells. Like rare flowers, seashells were highly desirable in the 17th-century Netherlands, and collectors paid vast sums for the best and rarest examples. To capture the forms in his still-lifes naturalistically, Van der Ast made drawings from nature, including the 71 studies of flowers and shells now in the Fondation Custodia, Institut Néerlandais, Paris (see Vermeer and the Delft School, exh. cat., New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001, nos. 96-98). Such practices and the subsequent results, exemplified brilliantly in the present work, demonstrate the close link and reciprocal nature of fine art and the burgeoning field of scientific observation in Van der Ast's time (A. Wheelock, From Botany to Bouquets, exh. cat., National Gallery of Art, Washington, 1999, pp. 32-34).

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