Lot Essay
‘While he is applying [preparatory gel] in large brush strokes to the canvas, we talk about what has just happened. The first subject is the choice of canvas, a canvas of a slightly unusual format, almost square, which inhibits any effects of false elegance. This choice not only relates to Soulages’ height and weight, but also to his mood today, to the colour of the sky, and perhaps to the fact that we are together, two old friends. However, his usual habit is to work in solitude... Soulages never plans ahead when he begins a painting. He creates a situation with a canvas and some colours, always a very small number of colours. Or it could be said that he allows himself opportunities; he opens a door to chance. Then he manages to make the most of the situation, to play his hand. This works or does not work. The painting is created or is not created’
(R. Vailland, quoted in ‘Comment travaille Pierre Soulages’, in L’Oeil, no. 77, May 1961, p. 46)
(R. Vailland, quoted in ‘Comment travaille Pierre Soulages’, in L’Oeil, no. 77, May 1961, p. 46)