Lot Essay
I believe that the major possibilities of art are not in showing the spectacle of violence but instead in hiding it . . . . It is the proximity, the latency of violence that interests me.
--Doris Salcedo1
1 See D. Salcedo, interview with Santiago Villaveces-Izquierdo, “Art and Media-tion” in Cultural Producers in Perilous States: Editing Events, Documenting Change, ed. G. E. Marcus (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997, 238.
--Doris Salcedo1
1 See D. Salcedo, interview with Santiago Villaveces-Izquierdo, “Art and Media-tion” in Cultural Producers in Perilous States: Editing Events, Documenting Change, ed. G. E. Marcus (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997, 238.