Untitled (Text Films)
Allen Ruppersberg (b. 1941)
Untitled (Text Films)
silkscreen ink on movie screen with tripod stand
overall: 68 x 43 ½ x 25 ½ in. (172.7 x 110.5 x 64.8 cm.)
Executed in 1991.
Untitled (Text Films)
silkscreen ink on movie screen with tripod stand
overall: 68 x 43 ½ x 25 ½ in. (172.7 x 110.5 x 64.8 cm.)
Executed in 1991.
Margo Leavin Gallery, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, Margo Leavin Gallery, too early too late, March-April 2000.
Brought to you by
Celine Cunha