Lot Essay
Das Gemälde zeigt die Gattin von Anton Graff, die ihrer vierjährigen Enkelin eine Geschichte aus einem kleinen Buch vorliest. Das kleine Mädchen hat seine grossen braunen Augen nicht nur dem Zuschauer gerichtet, sondern blickt auch liebevoll in die Richtung des Malers, der in diesem Fall der Grossvater des kleinen Mädchens ist.
The painting shows the artist's wife, Frau Graff, reading a story from a small book to her four-year-old granddaughter. The little girl's big brown eyes are not only looking at the observer, but are also looking lovingly in the direction of the painter who, in this instance, is the little girl's grandfather.
The painting shows the artist's wife, Frau Graff, reading a story from a small book to her four-year-old granddaughter. The little girl's big brown eyes are not only looking at the observer, but are also looking lovingly in the direction of the painter who, in this instance, is the little girl's grandfather.