Above 3 bottles and 1 half-bottle per lot
Mixed 1940s Château Latour
1940 Château Latour (1)
Slightly damaged recent capsule. Wine stained label. Danish import slip label. Level mid-upper shoulder
1942 Château Latour (1)
Slightly damaged original capsule. Stained and damaged faded label. Handwritten vintage 1942 on label. Danish import slip label. Level upper shoulder
1948 Château Latour half-bottle (1)
Slightly damaged original capsule. Badly stained label. Level mid-low shoulder
1949 Château Latour (1)
Corroded original capsule. Stained and slightly damaged label. Level mid-low shoulder
Above 3 bottles and 1 half-bottle per lot
1940 Château Latour (1)
Slightly damaged recent capsule. Wine stained label. Danish import slip label. Level mid-upper shoulder
1942 Château Latour (1)
Slightly damaged original capsule. Stained and damaged faded label. Handwritten vintage 1942 on label. Danish import slip label. Level upper shoulder
1948 Château Latour half-bottle (1)
Slightly damaged original capsule. Badly stained label. Level mid-low shoulder
1949 Château Latour (1)
Corroded original capsule. Stained and slightly damaged label. Level mid-low shoulder
Above 3 bottles and 1 half-bottle per lot
Brought to you by
Jennifer Lo