Lot Essay
Das Werk Lago che gela aus dem Frühjahr 1933 zeigt die Sicht von Maloja in Richtung St. Moritz, mit dem gefrorenen Malojasee im Vordergrund. Giacomettis einzigartige Erfassung der Landschaft ist auf sein Talent zurückzuführen, Komposition, Farbe und Licht bestens aufeinander abgestimmt und präzise wiederzugeben. Am Horizont sind die Engadiner Berge zu erkennen, rechts der schneebedeckte Piz Corvatsch und links angedeutet der Piz Materdell. Lago che gela weist in seiner Komposition Züge des Parallelismus auf, den Ferdinand Hodler massgeblich geprägt hat. Der gefrorene See und der sich darin spiegelnde, eisblaue Himmel sowie die Uferpassage unterstützen diesen Bildaufbau.
Als Giovanni Giacometti im Frühjahr 1933 am Werk Lago che gela arbeitet, leidet er bereits an einem schwachen Herz. Lago che gela ist eines von Giacomettis letzten Werke, da er im Jahr 1933 aufgrund der Herzschwäche nur ein paar Monate arbeiten konnte. Giovanni Giacometti stirbt am 25. Juni 1933 an den Folgen einer Hirnblutung im Sanatorium von Glion, oberhalb von Montreux.
This painting, Lago che gela, from the spring of 1933 shows the view from Maloja, looking towards St. Moritz, with the frozen Lake Maloja in the foreground. Giacometti’s unique way of apprehending and capturing a landscape is based upon his talent to so precisely coordinate and combine composition, colour and light. On the horizon we see the mountains of the Engadine – snow-covered Piz Corvatsch on the right, and a suggestion of Piz Martedell on the left. Lago che gela demonstrates elements of parallelism upon which Ferdinand Hodler had a definitive influence. The frozen lake with its reflection of the ice-blue sky as well as its shoreline contributes to the structure of the image.
When Giovanni Giacometti was working on this piece, Lago che gela, in the spring of 1933, he was already suffering from a weak heart. Lago che gela is one of his last works for, in 1933, because of his poor heart condition, he was only able to work a few months of the year. Giovanni Giacometti died from a stroke on 25th June, 1933 in the sanatorium of Glion, above Montreux.
Als Giovanni Giacometti im Frühjahr 1933 am Werk Lago che gela arbeitet, leidet er bereits an einem schwachen Herz. Lago che gela ist eines von Giacomettis letzten Werke, da er im Jahr 1933 aufgrund der Herzschwäche nur ein paar Monate arbeiten konnte. Giovanni Giacometti stirbt am 25. Juni 1933 an den Folgen einer Hirnblutung im Sanatorium von Glion, oberhalb von Montreux.
This painting, Lago che gela, from the spring of 1933 shows the view from Maloja, looking towards St. Moritz, with the frozen Lake Maloja in the foreground. Giacometti’s unique way of apprehending and capturing a landscape is based upon his talent to so precisely coordinate and combine composition, colour and light. On the horizon we see the mountains of the Engadine – snow-covered Piz Corvatsch on the right, and a suggestion of Piz Martedell on the left. Lago che gela demonstrates elements of parallelism upon which Ferdinand Hodler had a definitive influence. The frozen lake with its reflection of the ice-blue sky as well as its shoreline contributes to the structure of the image.
When Giovanni Giacometti was working on this piece, Lago che gela, in the spring of 1933, he was already suffering from a weak heart. Lago che gela is one of his last works for, in 1933, because of his poor heart condition, he was only able to work a few months of the year. Giovanni Giacometti died from a stroke on 25th June, 1933 in the sanatorium of Glion, above Montreux.