Lot Essay
A tantalising reference in an archive listing of Monkton House notes 'An Art Deco glass standard lamp by Syrie Maugham with fluted column on circular mirrored base'. It seems feasible that this period version of the Jean-Michel Frank model (see lots 11-13) was supplied by Syrie Maugham, who worked as the leading decorator to the elite of 1930s London. Edward James was a client and friend of Maugham's - she supplied him with several pieces from her shop for both 35 Wimpole Street and Monkton House (the official decorator was Norris Wakefield, a junior partner at Dolly Mann's decorating firm). Maugham also stayed with him at the Villa Cimbrone at Ravello in 1934, along with Oliver Messel (see lots 4-6).