Lot Essay
‘Vissuta in Sicilia fino ai vent’anni, ho assorbito molto di quella luce e di quei colori mediterranei e dello spirito di confine che vi si respira, e dei resti delle civiltà antichissime che vi sono fiorite. Questo, mentre i miei studi classici mi portavano ad un’ammirazione intellettuale per il Rinascimento. Nell’inconscio cresceva in me una appartenenza diversa: ricordo il grande fascino che ha esercitato su di me l’arte egiziana verso i tredici anni, attraverso i libri che mio padre mi regalava. A diciotto anni un motivo mi commosse molto, e fu quello dei balconi matissiani aperti sul mare del Sud della Francia. Anche in casa mia c’erano dei balconi ed un mare di quel colore’
‘Having lived in Sicily until the age of twenty, I absorbed much of that Mediterranean light, those colours, the spirit of the borderline breathes in, and the remains of the very ancient civilizations that had once flourished there. And all the while my classical studies were guiding me toward an intellectual admiration for the Renaissance. A different sense of belonging was developing in my unconscious: I remember how, thanks to the books my father gave me, I was truly taken with Egyptian art when I was about thirteen. An when I was eighteen another motif aroused my emotions: that of the Matissian balconies overlooking the sea in the South of France. My own house had the same sort of balconies and a sea of the same colour’
‘Having lived in Sicily until the age of twenty, I absorbed much of that Mediterranean light, those colours, the spirit of the borderline breathes in, and the remains of the very ancient civilizations that had once flourished there. And all the while my classical studies were guiding me toward an intellectual admiration for the Renaissance. A different sense of belonging was developing in my unconscious: I remember how, thanks to the books my father gave me, I was truly taken with Egyptian art when I was about thirteen. An when I was eighteen another motif aroused my emotions: that of the Matissian balconies overlooking the sea in the South of France. My own house had the same sort of balconies and a sea of the same colour’