Lot Essay
In-folio, tiré à 75 exemplaires accompagné de 12 illustrations originales signées, chacune exécutée dans une technique différente et tirée sur des papiers différents. Exemplaire de tête n° IV, comportant en outre 3 gravures originales signées par l'auteur accompagnées d'un texte manuscrit par l'artiste, tirées sur vélin d'Arches.
In folio, printed to 75 copies, suite of 12 original etchings, all signed, each made to different techniques and printed on different papers, complete with an additional suite of 3 prints. Deluxe copy n°IV, comprising 3 new original etchings signed by the author with a manuscipt text by the artist, printed on Arches paper.
In folio, printed to 75 copies, suite of 12 original etchings, all signed, each made to different techniques and printed on different papers, complete with an additional suite of 3 prints. Deluxe copy n°IV, comprising 3 new original etchings signed by the author with a manuscipt text by the artist, printed on Arches paper.