Lot Essay
"[...] L'unica umanizzazione possibile in un mondo di immagini è quella di gettarsi in mezzo alla mischia, tentare di accedere a tutte, ti farle proprie catturandole sulla tela, donando loro quella minima presenza di 'realtà' attraverso il gesto della pittura stessa".
"[...] The only humanization possible in a world of images is to throw oneself into its midst, to attempt embracing them all, to make them yours by possessing them on canvas, to return that minimum presence of “reality” to them through the gesture of painting”.
M. Meneguzzo, The Work of Art in the Time of Human Reproducibility. Art and Media in Schifano, in A. Bonito Oliva, Mario Schifano: Per Esempio, Milan 1998, p. 53.
"[...] The only humanization possible in a world of images is to throw oneself into its midst, to attempt embracing them all, to make them yours by possessing them on canvas, to return that minimum presence of “reality” to them through the gesture of painting”.
M. Meneguzzo, The Work of Art in the Time of Human Reproducibility. Art and Media in Schifano, in A. Bonito Oliva, Mario Schifano: Per Esempio, Milan 1998, p. 53.