Lot Essay
The inscription reads 'Parentibus Carissimis Andreae Noble Parti optimo et Margaretae matri delectissimae Jam post annos conjugii quinquaginta diem matrimonii felicem et vere aureum agentibus hanc crateram in commune pietatis testimonium dederunt Filii filiae Gener nurus nepotes Majorum virtutes Optima Sibi auspicia confitentes Die November.XV.MCMIV' which translates as 'To their dearest parents Andrew Noble, best of fathers, and Margery, most beloved mother, celebrating this happy and truly golden day after fifty years of marriage, their sons, daughters, son-in-law, daughter-in-law and grandchildren have given this cup as a witness of their shared love, acknowledging the virtues of their elders as their own best guide. 15 November 1904'.