ÉMILE GALLÉ (1846-1904)
EMILE GALLE (1846-1904)
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ÉMILE GALLÉ (1846-1904)

A 'Galinetta' Vase, 1900

ÉMILE GALLÉ (1846-1904)
A 'Galinetta' Vase, 1900
internally streaked and with foil inclusions, with marquetry leaves and applied beetles, raised on an applied foot, some iridescence and opalescence
10 3/8 in. (26.5 cm.) high
engraved Gallé 1900, 'Galinetta dal bon Diou, Enta vos ana, Al ciel ou à terra? Mounto all ciel Mounto al ciel'
Jean-Claude Brugnot, Paris;
Habsburg, Feldman S.A., Geneva, Art of Gallé, 27 June 1988, lot 20.
G. Pazaurek, Moderne Gläser, Leipzig, 1901, p. 87, for an illustration dated 1901 of a vase of this model within a group photograph;
Nachfolger, Leipzig, 1901, p. 87, for a vase of this model within a group photograph dated to 1901;
R. and L. Grover, Carved & Decorated European Art Glass, Tokyo, 1970, p. 188, pl. 321, another similar example illustrated;
P. Garner, Emile Gallé, London, 1976, p. 139, for the above contemporary illustration;
A. Duncan, G. de Bartha, Gallé Le Verre, London, 1984, p. 98, pl. 140, another similar example illustrated;
A. Duncan, The Paris Salons 1895-1914, Vol. IV: Ceramics and Glass, Woodbridge, 1998, p. 218, another similar example illustrated from a publication in 1901.

Lot Essay

This fine soliflor vase, internally decorated and with foil inclusions, surface carved and with applications, is a multi-technique work that shows off the technical virtuosity that Gallé and his skilled artisans had achieved by the time of their important and highly visible display at the Exposition Universelle of 1900. The engraved ‘1900’ situates the piece in that context. The engraved text adds a spiritual dimension, underscoring the artist’s consistent intention to develop material and motifs as metaphors for abstract ideas. In this vase the rise to heaven of those who have deserved Paradise is illustrated by the ascension of the galinetta (invested with good luck since Antiquity) along the thin collar of the vase.

Three versions of the model are known, all in Japanese collections, including this lot. A vase of this model was photographed with four other vases of exceptional quality on the top shelf of a fall-front desk, most probably the desk ‘La Forêt Lorraine’ exhibited in the Exposition Universelle of 1900 in Paris. The photograph, published by Pazaurek, is dated to 1901.

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