Lot Essay
“Figure di altri pianeti su una creta scabra e arida sotto cieli grigi, senza nubi, dove persino i temporali non somigliano a quelli di questa terra. Terra, cielo, mare, animali, uomini e donne, tutto screpolato e disseccato da un’afa meridiana, con un sole lontano, capace di mandare la sua vampa e non la sua luce”.
“Figures of other planets on a rough, dry clay ground under gray, cloudless skies, where even thunderstorms do not resemble those of this earth. Earth, sky, sea, animals, men and women, all chapped and scorched by a suffocating line and a distant sun capable only of sending its blaze and not its light”
-Renato Guttuso
“Figures of other planets on a rough, dry clay ground under gray, cloudless skies, where even thunderstorms do not resemble those of this earth. Earth, sky, sea, animals, men and women, all chapped and scorched by a suffocating line and a distant sun capable only of sending its blaze and not its light”
-Renato Guttuso