Lot Essay
“Ma se dovessi mancare e qualche anima curiosa dovesse rivolgersi proprio a Lei, critico d’arte senza macchia e senza paura, per sapere chi è questa misteriosa “Amalassunta” di cui tanto ancora non si parla, risponda pure, a mio nome, senza ombra di dubbio, sorridendo, che, Amalassunta è la Luna nostra bella, garantita d’argento per l’eternità, personificata in poche parole, amica di ogni cuore un poco stanco”.
"But if I should die and some curious soul turns to you, trusted, fearless art critic, to find out who this mysterious "Amalassunta" – of whom little has been said – is, please answer in my name, without shadow of a doubt, smiling, that Amalassunta is our beautiful Moon, silver marked for eternity, personified in few words, and friend of every slightly tired heart”.
"But if I should die and some curious soul turns to you, trusted, fearless art critic, to find out who this mysterious "Amalassunta" – of whom little has been said – is, please answer in my name, without shadow of a doubt, smiling, that Amalassunta is our beautiful Moon, silver marked for eternity, personified in few words, and friend of every slightly tired heart”.