Lot Essay
Dipinto nel 1936, questo è l’unico ritratto a noi noto del nonno paterno di De Chirico, Giorgio Filigone de Chirico. Traduttore ufficiale e diplomatico a Istanbul, Giorgio Filigone de Chirico morì quasi dieci anni prima della nascita del nipote.
Ciononostante, De Chirico riuscì bene ad immortalare il suo aspetto in questo suo ritratto eseguito in primo piano nel raffinato stile classico da lui prediletto in quel periodo. L’opera, rimasta per oltre settant’anni nella stessa collezione privata, viene presentata oggi per la prima volta all’asta.
Painted in 1936, this rare work is the only known portrait created by the artist of his paternal grandfather Giorgio Filigone de Chirico. An official translator and diplomat in Istanbul during the nineteenth century, Giorgio Filigone de Chirico died almost a decade before his grandson was born. Nevertheless, De Chirico conjures his likeness in this close-up portrait, executed in the elegant classical style favoured by the artist at this time. Never before seen at auction, the painting has remained in the same private collection for the last seventy years.
Ciononostante, De Chirico riuscì bene ad immortalare il suo aspetto in questo suo ritratto eseguito in primo piano nel raffinato stile classico da lui prediletto in quel periodo. L’opera, rimasta per oltre settant’anni nella stessa collezione privata, viene presentata oggi per la prima volta all’asta.
Painted in 1936, this rare work is the only known portrait created by the artist of his paternal grandfather Giorgio Filigone de Chirico. An official translator and diplomat in Istanbul during the nineteenth century, Giorgio Filigone de Chirico died almost a decade before his grandson was born. Nevertheless, De Chirico conjures his likeness in this close-up portrait, executed in the elegant classical style favoured by the artist at this time. Never before seen at auction, the painting has remained in the same private collection for the last seventy years.