Lot Essay
“Les peintures de Vieira Da Silva entretiennent un rapport étroit avec ce que l’œil perçoit de l’espace, que celui-ci soit clos, encombré de volumes empilés ou bien largement déployés sous les libres mouvements de la lumière. Chacune ou presque porte un titre, l’artiste appelant par-là celui qui le contemple à le rejoindre, à ne point trop s’écarter de ce dont lui-même a rêvé. » Georges Duby
“The paintings of Vieira Da Silva entertain a close relationship to what the eye sees of the space, whether closed, busy with piled up volumes or largely deployed under the free movement of light. Almost each bears a title, the artist thusly inviting the viewer to join in, not to go too far from that which he dreamed himself.” Georges Duby
“The paintings of Vieira Da Silva entertain a close relationship to what the eye sees of the space, whether closed, busy with piled up volumes or largely deployed under the free movement of light. Almost each bears a title, the artist thusly inviting the viewer to join in, not to go too far from that which he dreamed himself.” Georges Duby