Lot Essay
Le Signe de vie est un recueil de poèmes composés entre 1938 et 1945, dans une France occupée où Tzara, juif et aux opinions politiques résolument à gauche, se cachait de la police et de la Gestapo. Ce recueil est en outre le premier livre publié par les éditions Bordas à comporter des illustrations d'un artiste de premier plan comme Matisse. Pierre, l'un des deux frères fondateurs de l'entreprise, était devenu ami avec Tzara, une amitié qui lui permit de rencontrer Paul Éluard, dont il publiera Le dur désir de durer, Picasso ou encore Balthus. C'est d'ailleurs sur le conseil de Tzara que Pierre Bordas contacta Matisse pour lui proposer d'illustrer le recueil. L'artiste choisit six dessins pour y être reproduits au trait, et réalisa une lithographie originale, signée dans les exemplaires de tête. Cette gravure, utilisée en frontispice, est un portrait de Claude Duthuit, le petit fils de Matisse.
Le Signe de vie is a collection of poetry, written in occupied France between 1938 and 1945. As a Jewish man, known to have leftist political views, Tzara was a designated target of the police and the Gestapo, from which he had to flee more than once. The book is the first one published by Bordas with illustrations by a major artist. Pierre Bordas, one of the two founding brothers, had become a friend of Tzara's, and through him, came to know Paul Éluard, Picasso and Balthus. Tzara suggested that Bordas should contact Matisse directly. The artist selected six drawings, to be reproduced in line, and supplied a lithograph, signed in the deluxe copies. This frontispiece is a portrait of his grandson Claude Duthuit.
Le Signe de vie is a collection of poetry, written in occupied France between 1938 and 1945. As a Jewish man, known to have leftist political views, Tzara was a designated target of the police and the Gestapo, from which he had to flee more than once. The book is the first one published by Bordas with illustrations by a major artist. Pierre Bordas, one of the two founding brothers, had become a friend of Tzara's, and through him, came to know Paul Éluard, Picasso and Balthus. Tzara suggested that Bordas should contact Matisse directly. The artist selected six drawings, to be reproduced in line, and supplied a lithograph, signed in the deluxe copies. This frontispiece is a portrait of his grandson Claude Duthuit.