Lot Essay
Exemplaire de tête, avec la lithographie originale de Picasso. Ce livre est le dernier fruit de la collaboration entre Picasso et Éluard, le poète disparaissant un an après sa parution. L'illustration est une série de variations sur le thème de la paix, où sont mis en relation un visage de femme et une colombe, oiseau désormais emblématique de l'oeuvre de Picasso. A la fin de la série, parachevant une sorte de ballet virevoltant, le corps de l'oiseau et le visage se confondent totalement. Chacun des 29 dessins reproduits est accompagné d'un poème. Quelques mois après avoir achevé la série, Picasso réalise une lithographie originale, destinée aux exemplaires de tête. Sa composition est dans la lignée des précédents dessins, mais le visage est désormais clairement identifiable : il s'agit de celui de Françoise Gilot.
Deluxe copy, with the lithograph by Picasso. This book is the last one Picasso and Éluard collaborated on, as the poet died a year after it was published. The studies are variations on the theme of peace, where the artist combines a woman's face and a dove. By the end of the series, the dove has embraced the face so closely that they become one. Each of the 29 drawings is accompanied by a poem by Paul Éluard. A few months after finishing the series, Picasso made a lithograph to be included with the deluxe copies of the book. This lithograph represents the face of Françoise Gilot, fused with the body of a dove.
© Succession Picasso 2021
Deluxe copy, with the lithograph by Picasso. This book is the last one Picasso and Éluard collaborated on, as the poet died a year after it was published. The studies are variations on the theme of peace, where the artist combines a woman's face and a dove. By the end of the series, the dove has embraced the face so closely that they become one. Each of the 29 drawings is accompanied by a poem by Paul Éluard. A few months after finishing the series, Picasso made a lithograph to be included with the deluxe copies of the book. This lithograph represents the face of Françoise Gilot, fused with the body of a dove.
© Succession Picasso 2021