Lot Essay
'...I was always interested in architecture as a model and have always thought two dimensionally. I never felt the need to model a body or, in the sense of a three-dimensional work, to define it anew. From the beginning, for me the architectural form stood in the foreground as a sources for my own forms, for the pictorial construction in the second sense. [...] for me there is this continuous and still ongoing analysis of the various layers of an image. That's where a billboard can be helpful, in a picture as an illusion and up to its material form, or it can develop a physical character, and as the outer walls of a cube, become architecture'
(F. Ackermann, interview with S. Urbaschek, Imagination Becomes Reality Part I: Expanded Paint Tools, 2005, p. 47).
(F. Ackermann, interview with S. Urbaschek, Imagination Becomes Reality Part I: Expanded Paint Tools, 2005, p. 47).