Including: Acupuncture Painting "Opening Wide, Squeezing Tight"-Terre Verte; Acupuncture Painting "Opening Wide, Squeezing Tight", Smell of Blood (Squeezing Tight); And then, and then and then and then and then; And then, and then and then and then and then; And then, and then and then and then and then; And then, and then and then and then and then; And then, and then and then and then and then; AND THEN Ichimatsu Pattern; And THEN Black; And THEN Rainbow; Champignon; If Only I Could Do This, If Only I Could Do That-Terre Verte; Jellyfish Eyes-white 5; Jellyfish Eyes-black 4; Time Bokan-black+moss green; Time Bokan-Missing in the Eyes-Red; Time Bokan-pink; and Vapor Trail