Au cours des dernières années de sa carrière, Redon puise souvent son inspiration dans les thèmes mythologiques. L'artiste fait ici à la fois référence à la légende de Saint Christophe, patron des voyageurs, et à celle de Saint Michel terrassant le dragon, nous offrant ainsi une vision des plus marquantes de "l'ange guerrier".
Throughout the latter portion of his career, Redon frequently returned to the representation of mythological themes. In the present work the artist created something of a pastiche of legends, including that of Saint Christopher, patron saint of voyagers, as well as the legend of Saint Michael vanquishing the dragon. The result in one of his most fantastic treatments of the "angel-warrior".
Throughout the latter portion of his career, Redon frequently returned to the representation of mythological themes. In the present work the artist created something of a pastiche of legends, including that of Saint Christopher, patron saint of voyagers, as well as the legend of Saint Michael vanquishing the dragon. The result in one of his most fantastic treatments of the "angel-warrior".