Poète chinois révolutionnaire, Cheng Tcheng (1900-1997) s'exile à Paris vers 1920 où il rencontre Paul Valéry, André Gide et Picasso, tout en participant au mouvement Dada. Il enseignera à la Sorbonne avant de retourner vivre à Pékin dans les années 1930.
Revolutionary chinese poet, Cheng Tcheng (1900-1997) was exiled in Paris in the 1920s where he met Paul Valéry, André Gide and Picasso, as well as being close to the Dada artists. He taught at the Sorbonne before returning to Pekin in the 1930s.
Revolutionary chinese poet, Cheng Tcheng (1900-1997) was exiled in Paris in the 1920s where he met Paul Valéry, André Gide and Picasso, as well as being close to the Dada artists. He taught at the Sorbonne before returning to Pekin in the 1930s.