pseudo-ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Mariale. [Cologne: Ulrich Zel, not after 1473].
pseudo-ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Mariale. [Cologne: Ulrich Zel, not after 1473].

pseudo-ALBERTUS MAGNUS. Mariale. [Cologne: Ulrich Zel, not after 1473].

Chancery 2° (274 x 200mm). Collation: [1-1610 176] (1/1r incipit, 1/2-4 table of chapters, 17/4v colophon, 17/5-6 blank). 165 leaves (of 166, without final blank). 36 lines, double column. Type: 2:115G. 2- to 4-line initial spaces, alternating spaces filled in red, red paragraph marks, underlining and capital strokes. Pinhole in lower margins. (Lower hinge of 1/1.10 and tear in 5/7 repaired, occasional light staining or soiling.) 19th-century ochre paper boards, red spine label with gilt lettering, red edges (lightly rubbed, joints repaired); modern cloth folding box. Provenance: later numeric spine-label -- Bibliothecae J[ohann Heinrich Joseph] Niesert (1766-1841) pastor in Velen 1816 (manuscript inscription on 1/1r) -- E.H.P. 1963 (manuscript inscription on pastedown) -- André Himpe (catalogue of his library, E. Cockx-Indestege, "Classica et humanistica: een Belgische incunabelcollectie uit de twintigste eeuw", De Gulden Passer 2003, no. 1).

FIRST EDITION. This long Mariale, or work of praise for the Virgin Mary, is commonly attributed to St. Albert the Great, Dominican friar and theologian and "the greatest German philosopher of the Middle Ages" (J.R. Söder, 'Albert der Grosse - ein staunen- erregendes Wunder,' Wort und Antwort, 41, 2000, p. 145). Ulrich Zel was the FIRST PRINTER OF COLOGNE, printing, possibly, from as early as 1463, although his first dated book is 1466. The Uppsala copy has a rubricator's date of 1473. H 460; GW 678; BMC I, 192 (IB. 2982); BSB-Ink A-185; CIBN A-148; Bod-inc A-119; Goff A-271.