AVIENUS, Rufius Festus (4th century). Arati Phaenomena. Edited by Victor Pisanus (d. 1549). - DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. De situ orbis, translated by Avienus, and other texts. Venice: Antonius De Strata, de Cremona, 25 October 1488.
AVIENUS, Rufius Festus (4th century). Arati Phaenomena. Edited by Victor Pisanus (d. 1549). - DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. De situ orbis, translated by Avienus, and other texts. Venice: Antonius De Strata, de Cremona, 25 October 1488.

AVIENUS, Rufius Festus (4th century). Arati Phaenomena. Edited by Victor Pisanus (d. 1549). - DIONYSIUS PERIEGETES. De situ orbis, translated by Avienus, and other texts. Venice: Antonius De Strata, de Cremona, 25 October 1488.

Chancery 4° (190 x 135mm). Collation: a10 b-p8 (a1 blank, a2r editor's letter to Paulus Pisanus, a4r Phaenomena, d3v Descriptio orbis, g8 blank, h1r Vita Arati, commentary "Coelum circulis", h2r Phaenomena tr. by J.C. Germanicus, m8v Phaenomena, tr. by Cicero, n7r Quintus Serenus De medicina, p6r colophon, p6v editor's letter to Paulus Pisanus, p7-8 blank). 119 leaves (of 122, without first and final two blanks). 38 lines. Type: 3*:84R. 3- to 6-line initial spaces with guide-letter, 38 woodcuts depicting signs of the zodiac and constellations. (Light spotting, bottom margin of a4 replaced, neat repair at upper corner of p6.) 19th-century sheep tooled in blind, red leather spine labels, red edges (front cover detached, spine foot torn, lightly rubbed). Provenance: Charles Leeson Prince (1821-99; Crowborough 1882 bookplate, inscription) -- [George James Symons (1838-1900), meteorologist, bequeathed to:] -- the Royal Meteorological Society, (Symons Bequest 1900 bookplate) -- André Himpe (De Gulden Passer 2003, no. 16).

FIRST EDITION of Avienus' astronomical and geographical works, containing a loose translation into Latin by Avienus of Aratus' didactic astronomical poem Phaenomena, followed by his translation of Descriptio orbis terris. They are joined by 'Ora Maritima', an account detailing early sea routes used by Greek and Carthaginian traders, THE ONLY EXTANT TRANSLATION of the lost 6th-century B.C. merchants' handbook Massaliote Periplus, and Aratus' Phaenomena in the translations of Germanicus and Cicero. The 38 woodcuts illustrating the Phaenomena are in part reversed copies of those in the Ratdolt Hyginus of 1485, from blocks previously used by T. de Blavis. The book concludes with Quintus Serenus' 'Liber medicinalis', a medical textbook in verse containing recipes against a plethora of disorders and illnesses. THE FIRST RECORDED USE OF THE INCANTATION 'ABRACADABRA' occurs on p3v. HC *2224 = H 2223; GW 3131; BMC V, 294 (IA. 21262); BSB-Ink A-969; Klebs 137.1; Essling 431; Sander 718; Goff A-1432.


Annegret Pettigrew
Annegret Pettigrew

