'In Untitled (Five Arms) the handkerchief and the piece of cloth "hold" portions of a doll...illuminat[ing] a world of "residues" that seem marginal but actually form the crux of Bourgeois's discourse. [It is a "drawing"] composed of objects, in the manner of Surrealist narration, that [is] not fixed in a rigid structure but live[s] by dismemberments and metamorphoses...compositions of an experience that is expressed by means of ephemeral and residual entities which tend to communicate in a language that feeds on self-revelation...These maps of cloth, on which objects or images are set, sewn or embroidered, are a gaze turned on the infinity of the private that is hidden, because it is tormented by the fear. So what is found on the squares of fabric, handkerchiefs or the like is a "stigma," a brand that implies both a mask and a lack.'
(G. Celant, Louise Bourgeois: The Fabric Works, Milan 2010, p. 18.)
(G. Celant, Louise Bourgeois: The Fabric Works, Milan 2010, p. 18.)