'I've just made a series with all these pieces about Midas-all these gold paintings, gold and diamonds, and gold works, and it's definitely about feeling a bit like King Midas, like everything he touches turns to gold. And there are bad aspects of what can happen with that as well.
Gold's the thing when you open the briefcase in the movie, it shines on you and sucks you in. Gimme, gimme, gimme. It brings out the worst in you as well as the best, and I love that Midas can't eat his food, 'cause if he touches it, it turns to gold. Dies of starvation, doesn't he, Midas? Everything he puts in his mouth is just cold and metal.'
(D. Hirst interview with G. Burn, Beautiful Inside My Head Forever, 27 June 2008).
Gold's the thing when you open the briefcase in the movie, it shines on you and sucks you in. Gimme, gimme, gimme. It brings out the worst in you as well as the best, and I love that Midas can't eat his food, 'cause if he touches it, it turns to gold. Dies of starvation, doesn't he, Midas? Everything he puts in his mouth is just cold and metal.'
(D. Hirst interview with G. Burn, Beautiful Inside My Head Forever, 27 June 2008).