"In his introduction to the volume of essays Excavating Modernism, Bernard Tschumi writes: Ex-centric, dis-integrated, dis-located, dis-juncted, deconstructed, dismantled, dis-associated, dis-continuous, reregulated . . . de-, dis-, ex-. These are the prefixes of today. Not post-, neo-, or pre-.With regard to the work of Valentin Carron, one should add re- to this list of prefixes from ten years ago: recycle, re-look, re-stage, re-think, re-build, re-turn, re-make, re-invention, repetition, or as Sturtevant said, Remake, reuse, reassemble, recombine thats the way to go."
K. García-Antón & B. Ruf quoted in "Valentin Carron: the re-real thing", Valentin Carron, exh. cat., Kunsthalle Zürich, Zurich 2007, p. 6.
K. García-Antón & B. Ruf quoted in "Valentin Carron: the re-real thing", Valentin Carron, exh. cat., Kunsthalle Zürich, Zurich 2007, p. 6.