Château d'Yquem--Vintage 1921

12 bottles per lot
Château d'Yquem--Vintage 1921
Sauternes, 1er grand cru classé
Bottled by Vandemeulen. Not in original wooden case. Four slightly corroded capsules. Bin-soiled labels, one slightly damaged, one damaged. Levels: one top, one upper, one mid/upper, four mid, three just below mid and two mid/low-shoulder
Tasting note: Penultimately, in June 2003, from the château cellars and recorked: very pronounced warm amber; bouquet of soft toasted demarara sugar and coffee; medium-sweet, dry finish. Glorious. Most recently, probably the best ever. Old Yquem always looks its richest in a decanter, this time a 'ruddy' old gold, deep with brush of brown, almost red highlights and open apple-green rim; its bouquet both easy and, in truth, difficult to justice to: the anticipated crème brülée, old apricots, honeyed, whiff of caramel and unplumbable depth; medium-sweet, drying out a little after 85 years, gloriously rich, intense and persistent flavour, perfect sustaining acidity and lingering aftertaste. Sheer perfection. Last tasted April 2006 ****** (6 stars) M.B.
12 bottles per lot