'Claire Falkenstein semble manier le fer avec autant de facilité que nos grand-mères brodaient le coton. Elle ne travaille pas des blocs ou de grandes surfaces, mais procède d'une manière presque impressionniste: les touches sont rémplacées ici par la juxtaposition d'éléments filiformes, énergiquement coudés et soudés. La multiplication de ces 'traits' dans l'espace engendre des volumes étranges et mystérieux.'
'Claire Falkenstein seems to work with iron as easily as our grandmothers embroidered cotton. She does not work in blocks or large surfaces, but in an almost Impressionist way: brushstrokes are replaced by juxtaposition of threads, energetically bent and knitted. The multiplication of these lines in space creates strange and mysterious volumes.'
G. Boudaille, Lettres Françaises, 1960.
'Claire Falkenstein seems to work with iron as easily as our grandmothers embroidered cotton. She does not work in blocks or large surfaces, but in an almost Impressionist way: brushstrokes are replaced by juxtaposition of threads, energetically bent and knitted. The multiplication of these lines in space creates strange and mysterious volumes.'
G. Boudaille, Lettres Françaises, 1960.