'Imaï se situe à la pointe de l'avant-garde de l'abstraction, comme le seul nom de la galerie où il expose le laisse supposer. Ses oeuvres riches de matière et de couleur constituent un décor somptueux, rehaussé encore par une présentation et un éclairage intensément théâtral.'
'Imaï is at the cutting edge of abstraction, as implied by the very name of the gallery where he is exhibiting. His work, rich in material and colour, constitutes a sumptuous set, further enhanced by an intensely theatrical presentation and lighting.'
Georges Boudaille, Lettres Françaises, 1957.
'Imaï is at the cutting edge of abstraction, as implied by the very name of the gallery where he is exhibiting. His work, rich in material and colour, constitutes a sumptuous set, further enhanced by an intensely theatrical presentation and lighting.'
Georges Boudaille, Lettres Françaises, 1957.