'I take all my cues from the paint, so it's this total back-and-forth between my will and the painting directing what to do next. The painting has a completely different idea than I do about what it should be Things just naturally break down and become more abstract. When things get too abstract, I definitely feel like I want to bring the figure back. There is a line that I'm always striving for that's not half-way between figuration and abstraction, it is both It's almost like pulling a moment of clarity in the middle of all the chaos'
(C. Brown speaking in 'New York Minute: Cecily Brown,' AnOther, 14 September 2012, www.anothermag.com/current/view/2192/Cecily_Brown, access date 15-Mar-2013).
(C. Brown speaking in 'New York Minute: Cecily Brown,' AnOther, 14 September 2012, www.anothermag.com/current/view/2192/Cecily_Brown, access date 15-Mar-2013).