“Because of the success of his first show at the Stable Gallery, Andy attained a degree of celebrity unshared by other artists in the Pop movement. …More than any artist of comparable importance, Andy intuited the great changes that made the 1960s the Sixties, and helped shape the era he lived through, so that his art both became part of his times and transcended them. …He changed the concept of art itself, so that his work induced a transformation in art’s philosophy so deep that it was no longer possible to think of art in the same way that it had been thought of even a few years before him. … One thing that has to be said about the Brillo Boxes is that they are beautiful. My wife and I have lived with one for years, and I still marvel at its beauty. Why live with dull anesthetic objects? Why not objects as beautiful as the Brillo Box?”
(A. C. Danto, “The Brillo Box,” Andy Warhol, 2009, pp. 47-8; 66).
(A. C. Danto, “The Brillo Box,” Andy Warhol, 2009, pp. 47-8; 66).