This work is registered in the archives of the Calder Foundation, New York, under application number A08288.
The present work is a model for two larger sculptures, one owned by the City of Philadelphia (Three Discs, One Lacking) and one titled Three Discs, One Missing.
“Trapper of iron
Catcher of the wind
Tamer of black beasts
Laughing engineer
Startling architect
Sculptor of time
Such a man is Calder.”
Jacques Prévert, “Oiseleur du fer,” in Derriére le miroir, no. 156 (Paris: Foundation Maeght, 1966).
The present work is a model for two larger sculptures, one owned by the City of Philadelphia (Three Discs, One Lacking) and one titled Three Discs, One Missing.
“Trapper of iron
Catcher of the wind
Tamer of black beasts
Laughing engineer
Startling architect
Sculptor of time
Such a man is Calder.”
Jacques Prévert, “Oiseleur du fer,” in Derriére le miroir, no. 156 (Paris: Foundation Maeght, 1966).