« Si Rembrandt ou Velázquez révèlent dans certaines de leurs peintures de furieux coups de pinceaux, si à partir de Manet l’importance accordée à la touche va croissant avec l’impressionnisme et le fauvisme, jamais en Occident l’on n’avait accordé au geste, c’est-à-dire à la trace… une telle importance. »
Georges Mathieu
“While Rembrandt or Velázquez reveal furious brushstrokes in some of their paintings, while from Manet onwards, the importance given to the brushstroke grew with Impressionism and Fauvism, never in the West had the action, i.e. the mark, been given …. such importance.”
Georges Mathieu
Georges Mathieu
“While Rembrandt or Velázquez reveal furious brushstrokes in some of their paintings, while from Manet onwards, the importance given to the brushstroke grew with Impressionism and Fauvism, never in the West had the action, i.e. the mark, been given …. such importance.”
Georges Mathieu