"Le corps de la femme, présent dans la plupart de mes tableaux et dessins à partir de 1954, réduit souvent à son expression la plus élémentaire et soumis à toutes sortes de traitements tératologiques, pourrait passer pour un exemple de plus de la primauté accordée à l'être humain dans l'art espagnol, alors qu'il est avant tout un appui structurel à l'action, pour éviter que je ne me perde, que je ne m'enfonce dans une activité picturale incontrôlée, où le chaos et la démesure annulent l'affirmation."
"The body of the woman, present in most of my paintings and drawings from 1954, often reduced to its most elementary expression and subjected to all kinds of teratological treatments, might pass for another example of the primacy given to the human being in Spanish art, whereas above all it is a structural support for action, so as to prevent me from losing myself, that I do not sink into uncontrolled pictorial activity, where chaos and excess cancel the assertion."
Antonio Saura
"The body of the woman, present in most of my paintings and drawings from 1954, often reduced to its most elementary expression and subjected to all kinds of teratological treatments, might pass for another example of the primacy given to the human being in Spanish art, whereas above all it is a structural support for action, so as to prevent me from losing myself, that I do not sink into uncontrolled pictorial activity, where chaos and excess cancel the assertion."
Antonio Saura