This work will be included in the forthcoming Auguste Rodin catalogue critique de l'oeuvre sculpté currently being prepared by the Comité Auguste Rodin at Galerie Brame et Lorenceau under the direction of Jérôme Le Blay under the archive number 2017-5326B.
On 15 February 1918 the owner of the Balzac Grand Modèle plaster, Dr Joseph Charles Mardrus, gave permission to Gustave Danthon to cast a bronze version of this plaster. Léonce Bénédite, the curator of the Musée Rodin at the time, approved the realisation of this edition. There are only five known Alexis Rudier casts of Balzac Grand Modèle, with each cast varying slightly.
On 15 February 1918 the owner of the Balzac Grand Modèle plaster, Dr Joseph Charles Mardrus, gave permission to Gustave Danthon to cast a bronze version of this plaster. Léonce Bénédite, the curator of the Musée Rodin at the time, approved the realisation of this edition. There are only five known Alexis Rudier casts of Balzac Grand Modèle, with each cast varying slightly.