La vendange (recto); Étude pour " La vendange" (verso)
Serge Férat (1881-1958)
La vendange (recto); Étude pour " La vendange" (verso)
titré et inscrit indistinctement '...la vendange' (au revers)
gouache et graphite sur papier marouflé sur toile (recto); fusain sur toile (verso)
60 x 200 cm.
Exécuté en 1910
titled and indistinctly inscribed '...la vendange' (on the reverse)
gouache and pencil on paper laid down on canvas (recto); charcoal on canvas (verso)
23 5/8 x 78 ¾ in.
Executed in 1910
La vendange (recto); Étude pour " La vendange" (verso)
titré et inscrit indistinctement '...la vendange' (au revers)
gouache et graphite sur papier marouflé sur toile (recto); fusain sur toile (verso)
60 x 200 cm.
Exécuté en 1910
titled and indistinctly inscribed '...la vendange' (on the reverse)
gouache and pencil on paper laid down on canvas (recto); charcoal on canvas (verso)
23 5/8 x 78 ¾ in.
Executed in 1910
André Level, Paris.
Collection particulière, Paris (par descendance).
Puis par descendance au propriétaire actuel.
Collection particulière, Paris (par descendance).
Puis par descendance au propriétaire actuel.
Paris, Grand Palais, Trente ans d'art indépendant, Rétrospective de 1884-1914 de la société des artistes indépendants, février-mars 1926, p. 69, no. 892.
This item will be transferred to an offsite warehouse after the sale. Please refer to department for information about storage charges and collection
Serge Férat, pseudonyme pour Sergueï Nikolaïevitch Yastrebzov et cousin d’Hélène Oettingen (lot 45), est originaire de Russie. Aristocrate cultivé et fortuné, il s’installe en 1901 à Paris et suit d’abord les cours de Bouguereau à l’Académie Julian. Tout comme sa cousine, Il fréquente les artistes d’avant-garde de Montmartre dont il collectionnera les œuvres avec passion. Proche de Picasso et d'Apollinaire, qui lui donne le nom de Férat, il adopte petit à petit les idées du cubisme dans son travail. Il sera aussi lié amoureusement à Irène Lagut (lots 22 à 25) pendant de nombreuses années. Férat réalise pour Apollinaire les décors et costumes du drame «surréaliste» Les Mamelles de Tirésias en 1917. Ses œuvres seront montrées dans les expositions les plus radicales notamment au Salon des Indépendants, Salon d’Automne ainsi qu’avec le groupe de la Section d’Or. La révolution Russe aura pour lui une issue dramatique, ruiné et découragé, il détruira une grande partie de son œuvre ce qui fait des Vendanges, peint en 1910, un témoignage rare de son travail avant ses développement cubistes.
Serge Férat (the pseudonym of Sergueï Nikolaïevitch Yastrebzov) was a cousin of Hélène Oettingen (lot 45) and also originated from Russia. A cultured, wealthy aristocrat, he settled in Paris in 1901, attending Bouguereau’s classes at the Académie Julian. Just like his cousin, he spent a lot time with Montmartre’s avant-garde artists, whose work he would later collect with a passion. A close friend of Picasso and Apollinaire, who gave him the name of Férat, he gradually adopted cubist ideas into his work. He would also go on to have romantic ties with Irène Lagut (lots 22 to 25) for many years. Férat created scenery and costumes for Apollinaire for the “surrealist” play Les Mamelles de Tirésias in 1917. His work would later be displayed at the most radical exhibitions, including the Salon des Indépendants, the Salon d’Automne and the Section d’Or. The Russian Revolution had a dramatic outcome for him, leaving him ruined and dispirited, and he destroyed a large part of his work, making Vendanges, painted in 1910, a rare specimen of his work prior to his cubist period.
Serge Férat (the pseudonym of Sergueï Nikolaïevitch Yastrebzov) was a cousin of Hélène Oettingen (lot 45) and also originated from Russia. A cultured, wealthy aristocrat, he settled in Paris in 1901, attending Bouguereau’s classes at the Académie Julian. Just like his cousin, he spent a lot time with Montmartre’s avant-garde artists, whose work he would later collect with a passion. A close friend of Picasso and Apollinaire, who gave him the name of Férat, he gradually adopted cubist ideas into his work. He would also go on to have romantic ties with Irène Lagut (lots 22 to 25) for many years. Férat created scenery and costumes for Apollinaire for the “surrealist” play Les Mamelles de Tirésias in 1917. His work would later be displayed at the most radical exhibitions, including the Salon des Indépendants, the Salon d’Automne and the Section d’Or. The Russian Revolution had a dramatic outcome for him, leaving him ruined and dispirited, and he destroyed a large part of his work, making Vendanges, painted in 1910, a rare specimen of his work prior to his cubist period.
Adélaïde Quéau