"Tra le serie, i Legni mostrano il contrasto più forte tra violenti mezzi e severo controllo. Le composizioni complessive erano determinate dalla griglia di assicelle di legno disposte fianco a fianco. Le leggere distanze tra bordi confinanti rivelano il supporto sottostante, aggiungendosi al ritmo lineare".
"Among the series, the Legni evince the strongest contrast between violent means and stringent control. The overall designs were determined by the grid of wood slats laid side by side. The slight distances between the abutting edges reveal the support beneath, adding to the linear rythm".
E. BRAUN, C. STRINGARI, Combustioni e Legni, in Alberto Burri. The Trauma of Painting, cat. mostra a New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2015
"Among the series, the Legni evince the strongest contrast between violent means and stringent control. The overall designs were determined by the grid of wood slats laid side by side. The slight distances between the abutting edges reveal the support beneath, adding to the linear rythm".
E. BRAUN, C. STRINGARI, Combustioni e Legni, in Alberto Burri. The Trauma of Painting, cat. mostra a New York, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 2015