"Negli anni '60 fui definito un 'artista' poiché nessuno era in grado di definire un mucchio di carbone. Ma sono un pittore, e rivendico la mia iniziazione in pittura poiché dipingere significa costruire immagini, non si tratta solo di un modo di esprimersi né tanto meno di una tecnica. Ogni pittore si caratterizza per un particolare tipo di visione e una peculiare tipologia costruttiva dell'immagine; è ridicolo l'approccio comune che vede associare il concetto di 'pittore' all'arte tradizionale, e quello di 'artista' a chi si contraddistingue per un ruolo anarchico, moderno e di sperimentazione. Jackson Pollock fu il pittore che reinventò lo spazio americano come reazione etica. I murales messicani sono dipinti, lo stesso Duchamp fu un pittore. Il liberalismo ha dato la possibilità alla pittura di giungere fin dove l'immaginazione può condurre, e ha attribuito nuovamente all'artista un ruolo pienamente intellettuale".
“In the 1960s, I was designated as an 'artist' because no-one knew how to define a heap of coal. But I'm a painter, and I lay claim to my initiation in painting because painting is the construction of images, it doesn't indicate a manner, even less a technique. Each painter has his own way of seeing and methods of constructing an image, and the common approach which consists of associating traditional art with the word 'painter' and an anarchistic, modern and experimental role with the word 'artist' is ridiculous. Jackson Pollock was a painter who reinvented the American space with morality. Mexican murales are paintings, Duchamp himself was a painter. Liberalism has given painting freedom as far as the imagination can go, and has re-endowed the artist with a fully intellectual role”.
“In the 1960s, I was designated as an 'artist' because no-one knew how to define a heap of coal. But I'm a painter, and I lay claim to my initiation in painting because painting is the construction of images, it doesn't indicate a manner, even less a technique. Each painter has his own way of seeing and methods of constructing an image, and the common approach which consists of associating traditional art with the word 'painter' and an anarchistic, modern and experimental role with the word 'artist' is ridiculous. Jackson Pollock was a painter who reinvented the American space with morality. Mexican murales are paintings, Duchamp himself was a painter. Liberalism has given painting freedom as far as the imagination can go, and has re-endowed the artist with a fully intellectual role”.