Provenant d'une collection particulière
Victor Brauner (1903-1966)
Sans titre
Victor Brauner (1903-1966)
Sans titre
signé et daté 'VICTOR BRAUNER 1931.' (en bas à droite)
huile et encre de Chine sur toile
65.2 x 53.8 cm.
Peint en 1931
signed and dated 'VICTOR BRAUNER 1931.' (lower right)
oil and India ink on canvas
25 ¾ x 21 ¼ in.
Painted in 1931
Sans titre
signé et daté 'VICTOR BRAUNER 1931.' (en bas à droite)
huile et encre de Chine sur toile
65.2 x 53.8 cm.
Peint en 1931
signed and dated 'VICTOR BRAUNER 1931.' (lower right)
oil and India ink on canvas
25 ¾ x 21 ¼ in.
Painted in 1931
Waddington Galleries Ltd., Londres.
Collection particulière, France.
Collection particulière, France.
« Je suis né dans une ville des Carpathes; vers 2000 mètres de hauteur - l’hiver y était extrêmement rude et c’était presque inaccessible [...] Un des souvenirs dont j’ai conscience, c’est l’apparition de la comète: je vous dit cela parce que c’était à l’époque une terreur, on pensait que la comète allait surgir un jour, toucher la terre et la faire disparaître; il y avait une espèce de terreur de la fin du monde...De toute manières, le jour où cette comète devait venir - la nuit, qui était une belle nuit bien claire - [...] notre famille s’était habillée en grande costume de cérémonie. Ils nous avaient habillés nous aussi, ils nous serraient sur le cœur, et nous sommes mis devant la fenêtre pour voir la fin du mode. Cette fin du monde est survenue avec une très jolie petite bulle bleue qui a passé tranquillement et alors la vie a repris avec un grand: “Bon : allez-vous déshabiller et au lit!” La fin du monde était finie. »
“I was born in a valley in the Carpathians; close to 2000 meters in altitude - winters there were extremely harsh and the place was almost totally inaccessible [...] One of the memories I retain is the appearance of the comet: I am telling you this because it was a time of terror, we thought that the comet would come one day, strike earth and that would be the end; it was like a sort of fear of the end of the world...In any case, the day that the comet was due to arrive - at night, which was a fine and clear one - [...] our family had got dressed up in our ceremonial costumes. They had dressed us up too, and holding us close to their hearts we all stood before the window to witness the end of the world. This end of the world emerged as a very pretty little blue bubble which passed over peacefully, and so life resumed with a large sigh of: “Well: off you go to undress and to bed!” The end of the world had passed”.
Victor Brauner
“I was born in a valley in the Carpathians; close to 2000 meters in altitude - winters there were extremely harsh and the place was almost totally inaccessible [...] One of the memories I retain is the appearance of the comet: I am telling you this because it was a time of terror, we thought that the comet would come one day, strike earth and that would be the end; it was like a sort of fear of the end of the world...In any case, the day that the comet was due to arrive - at night, which was a fine and clear one - [...] our family had got dressed up in our ceremonial costumes. They had dressed us up too, and holding us close to their hearts we all stood before the window to witness the end of the world. This end of the world emerged as a very pretty little blue bubble which passed over peacefully, and so life resumed with a large sigh of: “Well: off you go to undress and to bed!” The end of the world had passed”.
Victor Brauner
Samy Kinge has confirmed this work is genuine.
Samy Kinge a confirmé l'authenticité de cette œuvre.
Samy Kinge a confirmé l'authenticité de cette œuvre.
Tudor Davies