Sale Notice Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business. 根据香港法律,不得在业务过程中,向未成年人售卖或供应令人醺醉的酒类。
The Macallan 1937 Lalique Golden Age Of Travel 1937

1 bottle (700ml) per lot
The Macallan 1937 Lalique Golden Age Of Travel 1937
The Aeroplane. Distilled in 1937. First bottled in 1972, re-bottled in 2016. Bottle 40 of 50. In crystal decanter with leather suitcase style presentation box. 43.4% volume
1 bottle (700ml) per lot

更多来自 佳士得珍罕名酿及烈酒呈献显赫酒庄及尊尚窖藏
