David Hammons (b. 1943)
David Hammons (b. 1943)
David Hammons (b. 1943)
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David Hammons (b. 1943)
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On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial int… 显示更多
戴维·哈蒙斯 (1943 年生)


戴维·哈蒙斯 (1943 年生)
款识: Hammons 04(底部)
石头 毛发
12 x 9 x 5 ¼ in. (30.5 x 22.9 x 13.3 cm.)
纽约 私人收藏
纽约 私人收藏
佳士得 纽约 2015年5月13日 编号73
On occasion, Christie's has a direct financial interest in the outcome of the sale of certain lots consigned for sale. This will usually be where it has guaranteed to the Seller that whatever the outcome of the auction, the Seller will receive a minimum sale price for the work. This is known as a minimum price guarantee. Where Christie's has provided a Minimum Price Guarantee it is at risk of making a loss, which can be significant, if the lot fails to sell. Christie's therefore sometimes chooses to share that risk with a third party. In such cases the third party agrees prior to the auction to place an irrevocable written bid on the lot. The third party is therefore committed to bidding on the lot and, even if there are no other bids, buying the lot at the level of the written bid unless there are any higher bids. In doing so, the third party takes on all or part of the risk of the lot not being sold. If the lot is not sold, the third party may incur a loss. The third party will be remunerated in exchange for accepting this risk based on a fixed fee if the third party is the successful bidder or on the final hammer price in the event that the third party is not the successful bidder. The third party may also bid for the lot above the written bid. Where it does so, and is the successful bidder, the fixed fee for taking on the guarantee risk may be netted against the final purchase price.

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Ana Maria Celis
Ana Maria Celis


戴维·哈蒙斯是当代艺术领域中最引人注目和神秘莫测的人物之一,而《无题》便是其重要创作。尽管拥有50年之久的职业生涯,但外界却对艺术家知之甚少,因为他很少接受采访,且极少参加画廊或博物馆的开幕活动。然而,他的作品与同辈艺术家相比却颇最具政治性洞见和深远意义。哈蒙斯自职业生涯开始所讨论的社会议题,很遗憾,在半世纪后的的今天仍然重要紧迫。 《无题》看似简单却深刻动人,营造出强大而感性的氛围。该作品由真人头部大小的石头构成,覆盖从哈莱姆理发店(Harlem barbers' shops)里所收集的紧致黑色卷发(间或参杂着灰白色头发),配合理发师的推剪分区,如同一个真实的发型(哈蒙斯过去时常借助专业理发师来造型其岩石头像)。尽管没有任何明显的人类特征,《无题》却栩栩如生。若对作品加之端详,观者会在作品表面的自然痕迹上发现自己的面部投影。

更多来自 ONE: 现当代全球联合夜拍
