Tout en sobriété, Tête dite « L'apôtre » est constituée d'un simple fil de fer attaché à un morceau de bois sculpté. De ces éléments rudimentaires émerge une forme humaine : le fil de fer en trace le contour, tandis que le bois énonce les traits du visage – des yeux, des dents, une moustache, une bouche et une barbe. La tige en arc de cercle évoque aussi une auréole, qui renvoie à la référence biblique du titre. Cette œuvre exemplaire du « dessin dans l'espace » de González, un principe selon lequel l'artiste modèle le vide avec des tiges de métal, témoigne de l'inventivité et de l'humour espiègle de l'artiste espagnol.
Tête dite "L'apôtre" is a simple sculpture formed by wire attached to a piece of sculpted wood. From these basic elements, a man’s form emerges: the wire outlines the contours of his head, and the wood represents his facial features, including eyes, teeth, a moustache, a mouth and a beard. The wire also evokes a halo, explaining the reference in the title to the figure’s saintly aspect.
This work, which exemplifies González’s principle of “drawing in space” with iron rods, speaks to the artist’s inventiveness and also his playful sense of humor.
Tête dite "L'apôtre" is a simple sculpture formed by wire attached to a piece of sculpted wood. From these basic elements, a man’s form emerges: the wire outlines the contours of his head, and the wood represents his facial features, including eyes, teeth, a moustache, a mouth and a beard. The wire also evokes a halo, explaining the reference in the title to the figure’s saintly aspect.
This work, which exemplifies González’s principle of “drawing in space” with iron rods, speaks to the artist’s inventiveness and also his playful sense of humor.